We are an open and diverse community, dedicated to helping each other along the path of grace as laid out by Jesus Christ. We are not concerned about where you came from, only about where you are headed. We believe that no matter how the world seeks to divide us – by political affiliation, sexual identity, or any other means – Christ seeks to unite us in love: a Gospel based love that reveals the beautiful truth embedded in all people.
You might be new to this kind of thing: aren’t you blessed to make a new start among many others who remember what it was like to be new. Even if you have been attending church for a long time, there’s always something new to be discovered. Our regular Sunday worship services are at 10:00 am. This is a time of trust, discovery, and community. You can also join us online at our YouTube channel.
We have programs for children and youth and adult classes on Sundays and beyond. Salmon Creek Church has a variety of mission and volunteer programs to benefit our community. We are a busy, faithful, loving organization, made stronger by people like you.
We take seriously your health and safety; find out more about our covid response here.
If you’re still not certain, take a look at the short video below the FAQs. You just might see yourself there. We’d be delighted to see you here at Salmon Creek Church.
Weekly Sabbath Worship
We gather in the Sanctuary for fellowship, announcements, prayer, and song (both modern and traditional). Our program follows the Methodist tradition with scripture readings, a sermon and reflections on the scriptures, and special music by either our choirs or individual musicians, including our Praise Team. An offering will be taken as an act of worship; these funds support the commitments the leaders have made for the congregation that keep the lights on, salaries paid, and mission commitments to support others outside our doors. You are welcome to give - it is not required. After the benediction (a blessing by the Pastor for the week), you will be invited to stay, mingle, make a new friend you as you leave. Join for coffee, or slip out quietly. The pastor and leaders are happy to speak with you.
Nursery care is available for ages 0-5 at all services. Learn about our thriving children's ministry here.
Youth Group (grades 6-12 generally) meets right after services for Bible Brunch, and again at monthly Youth Group activites. Come when you're able! Learn about our faithful, service-driven youth ministry here.
Where do I go when I arrive?
You are welcome to park anywhere in our parking lot, which spans the West and South sides of our campus. The Little White Chapel, our original worship center on the Northwest corner, is open for some special services. Our main offices, sanctuary, and Fellowship Hall, as well as our Day School, are all in the central building. Our Family Ministry Center is just to the east of this building, as well as our firepit, gardens, and lovely bamboo garden. Our grounds are open during worship services. We hope you will join us in the sanctuary for worship, prayer, study, or Sunday School. Please inquire at our main office or see our worship bulletins for other classes offered on Sundays and throughout the week.
What if I don't know the music or prayers?
All lyrics, verses, and communal prayers are broadcast on multiple screens. We offer hymnals, bibles, and printed bulletins for you to follow along with as well. Lift your voice as you feel compelled, or simply sit and enjoy the spirit of the service. Our Praise Team will invite you to stand and join in song and dance inasmuch as you feel comfortable and compelled.
What do I wear?
We do not have a dress code, nor did God. We want you to be comfortable and at ease; come as you are.
I just want to take Communion
We offer full Communion the first Sunday of each month at all services in our Sanctuary. All are welcome at the Lord's table. A healing service is offered at all services on the fifth Sunday of each month. See ushers for details.
I'm here! Now what?
As you enter one of the services an usher will hand you a weekly bulletin. Please let an usher know if you have special seating needs such as a wheelchair or hearing aid. We will show you where our restrooms are, including changing tables. We are so happy you are here, and we hope to see you again! Check out our calendar for upcoming events!
Our doors are always open, regardless of gender, orientation, race, economic status, or education. Office hours listed below; building hours vary based on group activities and events.
Open today | 09:00 am – 02:00 pm |